
Natasha Pea

Vampire Literature, Mystery, Creative Writing


Creative Writing


“Shhhh!” Two of Osmund’s fingers were on Alyson’s lips in a blur of a motion and his face pressed against hers, looking mean as ever. “Don’t you ever say that near bodies. They listen! Do you understand?” Alyson nodded, her eyes wide in shock, and she knew if her heart was still beating it’d be hammering. Continue reading “Osmund”

“Don’t burn your throat, vampire!”

The liquid in a cup smelled delicious. Alyson took a few big gulps – it was wonderful, aside from the heating sensation it sent through her body. She was surprised to see the vendor staring at her in shock.

“Hot, isn’t it? I hope you don’t burn your throat,” he said. Alyson realized she forgot to sip her drink and made a mental note to remember such human things today.


She always had something to occupy herself with, regretting there was never enough time to do everything she wished. She didn’t know whether that painful restlessness was the result of being so much on her own, or the reason for being so much on her own…


It was hard to see with the cold fog closely enveloping her. She walked to the dresser and almost jumped when saw a reflection of a white figure before her. She looked like she was made of ice; translucent, glowing steam with subtle blue crystallines rose sparkling from her entire body. Her hair acquired a deep shade of blue. The shocked eyes that looked back at her weren’t grey anymore, they were too a brilliant blue, like a lake frozen in time. She came closer and touched the mirror with a shaking hand, unsure if it wasn’t a stranger standing there, but it was solid. It was frightening to see her like that, although a small part of her couldn’t help to rejoice at the beauty. She didn’t understand why a state of pain made her look stunning. But then she wasn’t sure if she really was in pain…

Daily Prompt: Ancient

An ancient river bank is enveloped in the heavy sky, patiently awaiting the storm.

A small island in the middle of the river forces the powerful flow to break in two, to become unimposing and weak.

The break is but temporary, and the river forgets it quickly, merging back into power.

The river knows its purpose – the purpose it had since conception.

The islands will stay in its way, ruthless dams will try to subdue it, and corporate greed to destroy it,

But when it gets the chance to push forward, drop by drop, to resurrect itself, it will do so without hesitation,

Because nothing can unteach it the true purpose of existence, to be what it is – what it was always meant to be…

via Daily Prompt: Ancient

The Eeriness

The forest smelled of grass and cold. Walking back from the hunt Eilif was in very good spirits, feeling full  – and full of life. It was still dark, but the sun had started to egress, and the tree shapes became silhouetted against the grey sky.

Eilif didn’t like to linger in the forest, no matter how great he felt after hunting.  Continue reading “The Eeriness”

The Deer

Usually it was simple. “Too simple,” complained Eilif. No need to waylay, just run stealthily up to a deer, which was his favorite, and kill. The deer was no match for him. He didn’t enjoy that. He wanted the chase. Purposefully Eilif made noise to let the animal see him and scamper away – the pursuit started, and Alyson turned away.  Continue reading “The Deer”


They walked out of the back door so quietly, that even a rabbit, sleeping in the grass, didn’t hear their approach. When Eilif’s foot stepped half a yard from the rabbit’s head, the rabbit bolted in fear and scurred away. Once in the forest, obscured by trees, they crouched down, like animals, and started running. Their long slim bodies arched upward, hair falling down and waving in the wind; they jumped high and far, as if weightless,  Continue reading “Forest”

Message in a Bottle

I walk on a sandy beach. Waves are rushing in, foamy, submerging my feet in ice cold water and leaving again every few seconds… I cringe every time they come but keep enduring it because it is a refreshing awakening after a day of stale emotions. There are thousands of broken shells at my feet, and my eyes keep searching for the whole ones. The sky is dark grey today and feels heavy, the way it does before the rain. I breath in salt air and admire the energy of the vast ocean. 

     Ouch! Something small crunches under my foot and a sharp piercing sensation suddenly makes it throb. I lift it up and see red blood spilling out quickly. What the hell? A piece of paper is lying on top of sea shells, among shiny pieces of wet glass. Message in a bottle?

Continue reading “Message in a Bottle”

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